Sunday, December 9, 2012

Essay #2

November 28 2012

The Effects of Objectification

To all of Society:

            The correlations between sexual aggression against women and the objectification of women in the media. are too great to be ignored.. Models in advertising are exploited violently and sexually. Their bodies are dehumanized for the sake of raising sales to consumers and to promote new products. The negative portrayal of these models is a growing concern for society. There are several theories and factors that can contribute to the significantly high rates of sexual violence against women. Praising sexual aggression against women in the media is one small factor.

            Consequently, reports from the National Violence Against Women survey show that close to 18 million women and almost 3 million men have been raped. In a single year, more than 300,000 women and approximately 93,000 men are estimated to have been raped. Although the word “rape” is gender neutral, most rape victims are female and most rapists are male. People of all ages and sexes can be objectified in the media. When the media objectifies women it invites people to believe that their bodies are only meant to be abused and exploited. Only, objectification becomes a sociological issue when sexual aggression against women is glorified. Not only is it dangerous for women but men as well. Women are more widely represented as sex objects in the media and in advertising. More recently men also have become victims of sexual objectification but still are not used as much as women.

            I chose to write about this topic because it is something that I have always wanted to share with others. I have heard countless stories from other girls and their experiences of rape and or molestations. Most came from my years in high school where girls were influence of drugs and alcohol at parties and would wake up out of their drunken states only to discover they had been sexually assaulted. Most of them never made police reports or confronted the men they thought did it out of fear and shame. It made me think about the people who committed these rapes. They were the same age as these girls and most of them even walked the same hallways as them. Of course it was wrong for them to violate these girls in such a way but I wondered what kind of things had influenced them to do so.

            Accordingly, the people who look at these ads repeatedly begin to see patterns and ultimately get one strong message from these ads; that sexual aggression or violence is okay to use against women when trying to gain something. For example, a strategy used by marketers in propaganda is to make the woman in an ad vulnerable, weak and sexually attractive, while the male's only hope of having that woman is by buying the product. Advertising doesn't physically harm a person when seen;. the actions influenced by these ads do. Some of these ads depict women and men posing in such a manner that often times mimics pornography or S&M. The difference between pornography and sexualized ads is that the ads don't directly show pornographic images they mock them which is the only reason why these ads are "socially acceptable". The models used in the ads are attractive and young. Even though they might be representing a clothing company or if the ad is fashion related the models rarely have on much clothing. Instead the marketers rely on the models' slim figures and pretty faces and overly sexualized posing to gain more clientele.

             As a result, the sole purpose of including sex in photography in the fashion industry is to hope that once the consumer views these images they long to have the same lifestyle as the models. When a woman is being objectified in a manner that promotes rape and violence it creates a hostile environment  for woman's safety. Studies show that men are more likely to be accepting of sexual aggression involving women and believe in rape-supportive ideologies when exposed to ads that portray women as sexual objects. There are many myths and theories as to why men are more likely to abuse or rape women. One of these theories being that the men viewing these ads might feel ashamed and uncomfortable with themselves and want to use whatever product the ad is selling for the sake of a woman's attention. In reality not all material will make a person more successful when strictly seeking sexual acknowledgement from the opposite sex. Already these people subconsciously feel the burden of trying to be someone they are not. These men also become victims of sexual exploitation as well, but only in a different structure.

            For instance, in the article, "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt" Jean Kilbourne, addresses the different tactics marketers use in advertising. There are three different ways of objectifying a woman. I do agree with some of her theories but not entirely. Kilbourne claims that women are the victims when it comes to objectification in the media.  The marketers and fashion designers are both women and men who are behind these demeaning ads. If women are the victims by Kilbourne's standards then isn't it fair to say that these women can also be guilty of objectifying themselves too? The models in the ads are like puppets to designers. They are there to present a product and do nothing more. In Kilbourne's essay she uses images from model Kate Moss' Calvin Klein campaign from the 90's which went on to become the most controversial ad in the fashion industry. Moss was known for her waifish figure and was branded with the knick name, "heroin-chic." In the ad it shows a black and white photo of Moss lying down on a sofa nude with minimal makeup, gazing into the camera expressionless. Kilbourne claims that because of Moss' androgynous figure the ad attracted pedophiles and glamorized child pornography. Recently an article published by Vanity Fair quoted Moss saying, "...they were like, If you don’t do it, then we’re not going to book you again. So I’d lock myself in the toilet and cry and then come out and do it. I never felt very comfortable about it." Moss continued to talk about her feeling self conscious about her body and explained the pressure she endured during these photo shoots to pose nude. She was only 17 years at the time of her campaign where she had to pose with then singer Mark Walberg (Marky Mark). The photographers and her modeling agency would threaten her with losing her career if she didn't do what she was told. Not all models want to subject themselves into doing these things. If Moss is only one example of a model feeling pressured to do something outside of her comfort zone; all the rest are unaccounted for. Although, Kilbourne does have a point. What does Kate Moss nude on top of a couch have anything to do with selling a fragrance? The bottle of perfume isn't even visible in the shot.

            Given these points, it is not too late to educate each other on this sensitive subject. Marketers and designers need to know that what they are doing is proven to affect the brain in many negative ways. As people we need to stand up to the those who objectify our bodies and use them only to sell. Our bodies are not for sale. The better understanding society has on the abuse of advertising in the media, the sooner we can help those who have become confused by the messages they send.

Works Cited

Burt, Martha R. "Cultural Myths and Supports For Rape." Personality and Social Psychology 38.2 (1980): n. pag. APA PyscNET. American Psychological Association, 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. ""Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt": Advertising and Violence." Comp. Jean Kilbourne. Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2004. 575-97. Print.

"Kate Moss: Sex, Drugs, and Johnny Depp." Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair, 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.

Tjaden, Patricia, and Nancy Thoennes. "Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey." Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization NJ (2006): 1-46. NCJRS. National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Jan. 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2012.


Annotated Bib. #2

Annotated Bibliography
Kilbourne, Jean. Deadly Persuasion: Why Women and Girls Must Fight the Adddictive Power of
Advertising. New York, NY: Free, 1999. Print.
I did not read all of the informing research this book had to offer but did catch some valuable
information that supported my topic. Kilbourne addresses the problems of women in the media and
how their bodies are used as objects for sales. She also touches the subject of image dysmorphia in
women and the pressures a lot of women deal with having to be like the women they see in the
Snigda, Sukmar, and Tesh S. Venka. "Impact of Female Objectification of Advertising on          Women." Impact of Female Sexual Objectification of Advertising on Women 4.12 (2011): 1-10. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.
Authors, Sukamar and Venka, gave scientific information on the impact of female objectification in
advertising on women. It was really interesting to hear about the different theories the author gives
about how female obectification in advertising does hurt the public in negative ways. This subject
isnt talked about regualaly in society as it should be beucase it does shape the way our public thinks
and treats women.
 Papadaki, Evangelina. "Feminists Perspectives on Objectification." Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Ed. Edward N. Zalata. Stanford University, 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.<>.
The authors gave insight on their thought about the protrayal of women in society. They talk about
the way women are looked down on as a the lesser gender and are not respected as much as men in
some aspects. As support they wrote that women are usually used as objects in advertising have been
used this way as well in history, therfore explaining the okay of the ussge of these inequal sex roles.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

RA #3

Rhetorical Analysis
Title: Girl
Author: Jamaica Kincaid
Date: 1983
Topic: The pressures of domesticity
Analysis of Argument
Exigence: Inequalities between men and women; forcing of domesticity.
Intended Audience: Anyone seeking change in the stereotypes of gender roles. Anyone growing up with forced gender roles--boys wear blue, girls wear pink etc.
Purpose: To address the standards that society has set for men and women to act only within the gender roles. People who don't fall within these lines risk being ostracized. Kincaid demonstrates this by not writing a story with a climax and a fall but rather stating what she remembered her mother telling her how to be a "proper lady."
Claim(s): How to behave like a proper woman.
 Main Evidence:
I thought it was smart of Kincaid to write this in the style of a disorganized poem. It doesn't really have a beginning or an end, the writing just starts. The reader doesn't know how old Kincaid throughout either. Although, Kincaid doesn't offer her age in the writing it's clear that the relationship between the narrator and the girl is mother to daughter. The mother speaks in a way that expresses her worries for the girl who is soon to become a woman. "...this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child..."(526) The way the sentences are formed suggest that the mother has a lot of experience being a domestic housewife; she is wiser than the girl. The mom repetitively states the word "slut" because she fears that is what is to become of her daughter if she doesn't teach her what not to be. "This is how to behave in the presence of men who don't know you very well, and this way they won't recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming..."(525-526) Domesticity and purity were a must because of their conservative lifestyles. Also, most women at this point in time were dependant on men as the breadwinners, so if a woman was a slut she would have a harder time finding a man who would actually believe that she would want to stay in a committed relationship. "...but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread? ; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of  woman who the baker won't let near the bread?"(526) The last sentence of this piece really suggests that reputation amongst her community was crucial for acceptance amongst others. There's a reason why the baker wouldn't want to let her near the bread. If she was known as a clean and proper woman he would have to trust her enough to allow her.
Rhetorical Analysis:
Writer's Strategy 1: Narration
Writer's Strategy 2: Description
Writer's Strategy 3: Definition
Reader Effect #1 Mother's narration instead of her own.
Reader Effect #2 Describes what her mother tells her to do in detail.
Reader Effect #3 Some of the sentences tell the reader that Kincaid grew up in poverty; she uses a lot of description.
Your Response:
 Although, this piece wasn't written till the 80's Kincaid's mother lived during a more conservative time where most of these life lessons she teaches her daughter do not apply so much in modern society but do for Kincaid's mom. The mom is simply trying to look out for her daughter's future to make sure that she can comfortably live on her own. It's easy to apply this to modern society because most people do grow up forced what to think and act like.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

RA #2

Rhetorical Analysis
Title: "From Fly-Girls to Bitches and Hos"
Author: Joan Morgan
Date: 1999 
Topic: Understanding sexism in the rap industry.
Analysis of Argument
Intended Audience: Anyone who listens to rap and the women that are talked down to in rap lyrics. People who are curious as to know why these men talk so shallow about women in their songs.
Exigence: To let the audience know why and where sexism in the rap industry stems from.
Purpose: Correlations between violence in neighborhoods, poverty, drug use and the depiction of women as sex objects or tools in songs.
Claims: The "bitches and hos" that are talked about in rap lyrics only shadow the fear from gang violence, drug abuse, prostitution and poverty that occupy their neighborhoods daily.
Evidence: "The leading cause of death among black men ages fifteen to twenty-four is homicide. The majority of them will die at the hands of other black men."(602)
Lyrics: I dont wanna live no more/Sometimes I see death knockin' at my front door
Writing hip-hop/rap is a way for these men to express their anger frustration at the world  they live in.
Rhetorical Analysis
Writer's Strategy 1: Uses "Pathos" strateggy to appeal to the audience emotionaly
Writer's Strategy 2: Description as evidence
Writer's Strategy 3: Cause and effect
Reader Effect #1 The author quotes lyrics from songs to give readers a better understanding
Reader Effect #2 Uses statistics to help readers see the levels violence in these people's lives 
Reader Effect #3 Author's personal experience as a black woman gave a different view point on how these issues directly affected her.
Rap/Hip-hop artists have made millions becasue of their music. Sometimes it could be a beat that makes a song unique or the lyrics might stand out on their own. The protrayal of women as "bitches and hos" make the women sound like useless objects and not like the humans with feelings that they are. This article was written by a black feminist and the fact the she decided to adress a subject that is not very well understood by the outside world made this story even more interesting. She takes a different aproach at looking at the songs written by these artists and figuring out why they write the things they do. Why and how their lifestyles and the lingering effects of racism towards african americans and poverty can still affect their lives.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Final Draft revised

Vanesa Miranda                                                                                               Miranda 1
Instructor Knapp
English 1A
14 October 2012

Proposition 30

            California could be responsible for stupefying it's children. Education is indispensable; it goes hand in hand with opportunity and success. This year's election will determine the future of California's education system. Prop 30 will aid in the funding of California's schools. Voting 'yes' on prop 30 is the only way to ensure that our public does not fall behind in their education. If prop 30 does not pass, K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety will lose funding by $6 billion. California is already in debt and with an economy that fails to provide a sufficient amount of funding we can not afford to lose more.

            In the article, Prop 30 Would Hurt State Economic Prospects, Margaret Bengs argues that the tax increase would have negative affects on high income earners and small businesses. They claim that if the prop passes more people will move out of California to other states where they would pay less in taxes." In the last four years alone, California has lost 2,500 employers and 109,000 jobs to other states, according to a report by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a trend underscored by the recent pullout of Campbell Soup Co. and Comcast Corp. from Sacramento. Proposition 30 would further harm the business climate." If the prop passes California could be at risk of losing tax payers and small businesses might move as a result, but it does not mean that everyone will stop paying their taxes and the entire state of California will not run away across the country. On the contrary, the more people that are educated the better off small businesses

will be. The success of running a small business is determined by education itself. Educated and skilled workers are the fundamentals of a thriving business and prop 30 enforces this.

            In addition, prop 30 could actually save many jobs by preventing layoffs. Protection and safety is crucial. Public safety includes all firefighters, social services, police, and prisons. They face cuts that can leave many firefighters and police without jobs. Passing prop 30 would fund rehabilitation services for those who are convicted of drug charges. Instead of jailing these offenders they would have the option of going to rehab. Thus, helping solve the problem of overcrowding in jails and prisons. How can our public be safe if we lack the very people whose jobs were created to protect us?

            Furthermore, Prop 30 increases income tax on the rich by 1%-3% for seven years. Who exactly qualifies as rich? Anyone who makes more than $250,000 annually qualifies as rich. Those who make less than $250,000 annually would see no tax increase. Sales tax would also be increased for 4 years by 1/4 of a percent. It will generate $8.5 billion in the first year and $5-7 billion each year after. Also, people who make $1 million dollars annually would be taxed an additional 1%. It's only fair for those who make equal to or more than $1million annually to be taxed more. Yes, the rich do work for what they have, but they are also capable of paying a little extra.

            Consequently, CSU tuition is up more than 300% in the past decade and will continue to rise due to cuts. If prop 30 doesn't pass CSU would get cut up to $250 million and tuition could go up $150. According to the Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Community Colleges depend on the state's general fund and local property taxes by 60%. The rest they receive from local property taxes and tuition fees. If prop 30 doesn't pass community colleges will be cut an additional 7.3%. Not only will it be difficult for the students that are trying to further their education but it will also be hard on the teachers and staff who depend on the schools as employment. Layoffs will increase and the shortage of teachers will lead to larger class sizes. Tutoring services and office hours will also decrease, making it difficult for students to receive the fair amount of help they need.

            As a result, American public schools are falling behind in comparison to other countries around the world.  Many European countries offer multiple language studies and begin teaching their students up to three foreign languages at a time. By the time they reach the equivalent of maybe 12th grade they are already fluent in more than two languages. Most K-12 offer at least one or two foreign languages and only teach about four years of it which is only enough to be able to comprehend the basics of the language. Learning foreign languages is only a thin slice of what our public education system is falling behind in. Electives and physical education classes have already been cut and many of our teachers have been left unemployed due to these cuts. If prop 30 does not pass, additional classes will be cut forcing students into over sized class rooms. Studies show that with smaller class sizes students learn better. How can we give students the best education possible if their class rooms are double the normal size? Not only is it difficult for the students but the teachers as well.

            It is my third semester at Cabrillo College and already I'm behind in my education because of over sized classes. I tried to register for five classes and was wait listed for three of them. I was forced to drop two classes because of the number of students that were wait listed. I was fortunate enough to get into math after about two weeks of regular attendance. Enough people had dropped so that I could get in. It's a constant competition now to try and get into classes when even the online classes are not available because they are full. Tutoring services at Cabrillo for math and English have also been cut making it more difficult for students who these services unavailable or limited.

            A nation without education is a nation without privilege. It's logical to say that those who have higher educations succeed economically more than those who have no education at all. Society trusts that people who hold degrees in a certain fields are experts in what they have learned and are able to execute what they know without errors.. Nobody would trust a clinical psychologist to diagnose a mental disorder without a certified degree in psychology. Coincidentally, people who have any degree at all have higher incomes. There is a direct correlation between education and rates of crime and violence. The higher the education the less crime and violence there is. We associate education with the ability to think critically and use logical reasoning before anything else. Taking the first step to a higher education is a loose guarantee to an economic foundation. A person's economic status should not dictate whether or not they should be able to further their education. If you are a registered voter you have the privilege of changing California's education system by voting yes on prop 30; because everyone can benefit from being smart.









Works Cited

            Bengs, Margaret A. "Viewpoints: Prop 30 Would Hurt State's Economic Prospects." The Sacramento Bee. The Sacramento Bee, 6 Oct. 2012. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. <>.

            "California Budget Project." California Budget Project. California Budget Project, 2006. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. <>.

            "Welcome to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office." Chancellor's Office Portal Home. California Community Colleges Office, 2012. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. <>.
Note: Can't copy and paste without the format getting out of order.

Final Draft-prop30

Vanesa Miranda                                                                                               Miranda 1
Instructor Knapp
English 1A
29 September 2012

Proposition 30

            California could be responsible for stupefying it's children. Education is indispensable; it goes hand in hand with opportunity and success. This years' election will determine the future of California's education system. Prop 30 will aid in the funding of California's schools. Voting 'yes' on prop 30 is the only way to ensure that our public does not fall behind in their education. If prop 30 does not pass, K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety will lose funding by $6 billion. California is already in debt and with an economy that fails to provide a sufficient amount of funding we can not afford to lose more.

            In the article, Prop 30 Would Hurt State Economic Prospects, the author argues that the tax increase would have negative affects on high income earners and small businesses. They claim that if the prop passes more people will move out of California to other states where they would pay less in taxes." In the last four years alone, California has lost 2,500 employers and 109,000 jobs to other states, according to a report by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a trend underscored by the recent pullout of Campbell Soup Co. and Comcast Corp. from Sacramento. Proposition 30 would further harm the business climate." If the prop passes California could be at risk of losing tax payers and small businesses might move as a result, but it does not mean that everyone will stop

paying their taxes and the entire state of California will not run away across the country. On the contrary, the more people that are educated the better off small businesses will be. The success of running a small business is determined by education itself. Educated and skilled workers are the fundamentals of a thriving business and prop 30 enforces this.

            In addition, Prop 30 could actually save many jobs by preventing layoffs. Protection and safety is crucial. Public safety includes all firefighters, social services, police, and prisons. They face cuts that can leave many firefighters and police without jobs. Passing prop 30 would fund rehabilitation services for those who are convicted of drug charges. Instead of jailing these offenders they would have the option of going to rehab. Thus, helping solve the problem of overcrowding in jails and prisons. How can our public be safe if we lack the very people whose jobs were created to protect us?

            Furthermore, Prop 30 increases income tax on the rich by 1%-3% for seven years. Who exactly qualifies as rich? Anyone who makes more than $250,000 annually qualifies as rich. Those who make less than $250,000 annually would see no tax increase. Sales tax would also be increased for 4 years by 1/4 of a percent. It will generate $8.5 billion in the first year and $5-7 billion each year after. Also, people who make $1 million dollars annually would be taxed an additional 1%. It's only fair for those who make equal to or more than $1million annually to be taxed more. Yes, the rich do work for what they have, but they are also capable of paying a little extra.

            Consequently, CSU tuition is up more than 300% in the past decade and will continue to rise due to cuts. If prop 30 doesn't pass CSU would get cut up to $250 million and tuition could go up $150. According to the Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Community Colleges depend on the state's general fund and local property taxes by 60%. The rest they receive from local property taxes and tuition fees. If prop 30 doesn't pass community colleges will be cut an additional 7.3%. Not only will it be difficult for the students that are trying to further their education but it will also be hard on the teachers and staff who depend on the schools as employment. Layoffs will increase and the shortage of teachers will lead to larger class sizes. Tutoring services and office hours will also decrease, making it difficult for students to receive the fair amount of help they need.

            As a result, American public schools are falling behind in comparison to other countries around the world.  Many European countries offer multiple language studies and begin teaching their students up to three foreign languages at a time. By the time they reach the equivalent of maybe 12th grade they are already fluent in more than two languages. Most K-12 offer at least one or two foreign languages and only teach about four years of it which is only enough to be able to comprehend the basics of the language. But learning foreign languages is only a thin slice of what our public education system is falling behind in but, there are multiple other things the system need to work on. Electives and physical education classes have already been cut and many of our teachers have been left unemployed due to these cuts too. If prop 30 does not pass, additional classes will be cut and will force students into already over sized class rooms. Studies show that with smaller class sizes students learn better. How can we give students the best education possible if their class rooms are double the normal size? Not only is it difficult for the students but the teachers as well.

            It is my third semester at Cabrillo College and already I'm behind in my education because of over sized classes. I tried to register for five classes and was wait listed for three of them. I was forced to drop two classes because of the number of students that were wait listed. I was fortunate enough to get into math after about two weeks of regular attendance enough people had dropped so that I had a spot. About ten people could not get in. It is a constant competition now to try and get into classes when even the online classes are not available because they are full. Tutoring services at Cabrillo for math and English have also been cut making it more difficult for students who these services unavailable or limited.

            A nation without education is a nation without privilege. It's logical to say that those who have higher educations succeed economically more than those who have no education at all. Society trusts that people who hold degrees in a certain fields are experts in what they have learned and are able to execute what they know without errors.. Nobody would trust a clinical psychologist to diagnose a mental disorder without a certified degree in psychology. Coincidentally, people who have any degree at all have higher incomes. There is a direct correlation between education and rates of crime and violence. The higher

the education the less crime and violence there is. We associate education with the ability to think critically and use logical reasoning before anything else. Taking the first step to a

higher education is a loose guarantee to an economic foundation. A person's economic status should not dictate whether or not they should be able to further their education. If you are a registered voter you have the privilege of changing California's education system by voting yes on prop 30 because, everyone can benefit from being smart.

prop 30 rough draft

Vanesa Miranda                                                                                               Miranda 1
Instructor Knapp
English 1A
29 September 2012

Very Rough Draft


            The state of California is at risk of becoming stupid. When it comes to education there are no boundaries as to how much you can learn and be taught. This years election will determine the future of California's education system. Prop 30 will aid in the funding of California's schools. Voting 'yes' on Prop 30 is the only way to ensure that our public does not fall behind in their education. If prop 30 does not pass, K-12 schools, community colleges and public safety will lose funding by $6 billion. California is already in debt and with an economy that fails to provide a sufficient amount of money we can not afford to lose even more.


            Public safety includes all firefighters, social services, police, prisons. they face cuts that can leave many firefighters and police without jobs. Protection and safety is crucial. How can our public be safe if we lack the very people who's jobs were created to help people and protect them. Prop 30 could actually save many jobs and prevent layoffs.


            Prop 30 increases income tax on the rich for 7 years. Increases the sales tax for 4 years by 1/4 of a percent. It will generates $8.5 billion in the first year and $5-7 billion each year after. It is only fair for those who make equal to or more than $1million annually to be taxed an additional 1%. They might have worked hard for their money but they are more than capable of paying extra


            American public schools are falling behind in comparison to other countries around the world.  Many European countries offer multiple language studies and begin teaching their students up to three foreign languages at a time. By the time they reach the equivalent of maybe 12th grade they are already fluent in more than two languages. Most K-12 offer at least one or two foreign languages and only teach about four years of it which is only enough to be able to comprehend the basics of the language. But learning foreign languages is only a thin slice of what our public education system is falling behind in but, there are multiple other things the system need to work on. Electives and physical education classes have already been cut and many of our teachers have been left unemployed due to these cuts too. If prop 30 does not pass, additional classes will be cut and will force students into already over sized class rooms. Studies show that with smaller class sizes students learn better. How can we give students the best education possible if their class rooms are double the normal size? Not only is it difficult for the students but the teachers as well.


            CSU tuition is up more than 300% in the past decade and will continue to rise due to cuts. If prop 30 doesn't pass CSU would get cut up to $250 million and tuition could go                                                                                                                   

                                                                                                                        Miranda 2


up $150. According to the Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Community Colleges

depend on the states's general fund and local property taxes by 60%. The rest they receive from local property taxes and tuition fees. If prop 30 doesn't pass community colleges will be cut an additional 7.3%. Not only will it be difficult for the students that are trying to further their education but it will also be hard on the teachers and staff who depend on the schools as employment. Layoffs will increase and the shortage of teachers will lead to larger class sizes. Tutoring services and office hours will also decrease, making it difficult for students to receive the fair amount of help they need.


            It is my third semester at Cabrillo College and already I'm behind in my education because of over sized classes. I tried to register for five classes and was wait listed for three of them. I was forced to drop two classes because of the number of students that were wait listed. I was fortunate enough to get into math after about two weeks of regular attendance enough people had dropped so that I had a spot. About ten people could not get in. It is a constant competition now to try and get into classes when even the online classes are not available because they are full. Tutoring services at Cabrillo for math and English have also been cut making it more difficult for students who these services unavailable or limited.


            A nation with no education is a nation without privilege. It is logical to say that those who have higher educations succeed economically than those who hold no education at all. This is because in our society we believe and trust that people who hold degrees in a certain field are experts in what they have learned and are able to execute what they know without errors. I know this is true because I would never trust a doctor to examine me without an education. And no one I know would trust a dentist to operate on them or a clinical psychologist to diagnose them without a degree in that field. English teachers would rarely be taken seriously if they did not hold English degrees from college. Our whole world is connected  to education. Coincidentally  people who hold any degree at all earn higher salaries. Taking the first steps to a higher education is already a loose guarantee to an economic foundation. A person's economic status should not dictate whether or not they should be able to further their education. Poor or rich everyone deserves a chance to be educated. Education is indispensable; it goes hand in hand with opportunity and success.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Proposal: Prop 30

Vanesa Miranda

Instructor Knapp

English 1A

29 September 2012

Prop 30 Proposal
If prop 30 does not pass, K-12 schools,community colleges and public safety will lose funding by
$6 billion. California can not afford to lose more money. A person's economic status should not
dictate whether or not they should be able to further their education. Poor or rich everyone deserves a
chance to be educated.
- Give overview on pros/cons of prop 30.
- Give my stance on prop 30.
- American public schools are falling behind in comparison to other countries around the world.
Many European countries offer multiple language studies and begin teaching their students up to
three foreign languages at a time. By the time they reach the equivalent of maybe 12th grade they are
already fluent in more than two languages. In California not all schools but most K-12 offer at least
one or two foreign languages and only teach about four years of it which is only enough to be able to
comprehend the basics of the language. But learning foreign languages is only a slice of what our
public education system is falling behind in, of course there are multiple other things the system need
to work on. Electives and physical education classes have already been cut and many of our teachers
are left unemployed due to these cuts too. If prop 30 does not pass, additional classes will be cut and
will force students into already over sized class rooms. Studies show that with smaller class sizes
students learn better. How can we give students the best education possible if their class rooms are
double the normal size? Not only is it difficult for the students but the teachers as well.
- include stats on Prop 30 articles
-include quotes on the flaws of pubic school education
-Anyone who is a registered voter should know what prop 30 is and how it affects our education
system. It is my third semester at Cabrillo College and already I'm behind in my education because of
over sized classes. I tried to register for five classes and was wait listed for three of them. I was forced
to drop two classes because of the number of students that were wait listed.  I was fortunate enough to
get into math after about two weeks of regular attendance enough people had dropped so that I had a
spot. However, about ten people could not get in. It is a constant competition now to try and get into
classes when even the online classes are not available because they are full. Tutoring services for
math and English have also been cut making it more difficult for students who these services
unavailable or limited. Tuition has also been raised due to the recent cuts forcing people to pay higher

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Annotated Bibliography/Prop30 links

Annotated Bibliography

 "Yes on Prop 30." California Labor Federation. California Labor Federation, n.d. Web. 23 Sept. 2012.
This article talks about the benefits of voting yes on Prop 30. They believe that voting yes on the prop is the only way to ensure that public schools recieve the correct amount of funding in order to provide for better educations. If the prop passes it would increase sales and use tax by 1/4 cent for four years. The tax would also increase personal income tax from 1%-9.3% depending on the persons' income. People who make over $1 million a year would be taxed an additional 1%. The funding would provide $6 billion in annual state revenues. If it doesnt pass the state will have to cut even more funds and loses the $6 billion.

Note to instructor Knapp: Everytime I try to cite the source it changes back to url.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reading Response #1

Thinking Critically, Challenging Cultural Myths
We are consumers, drowning in a cultural myth everyday. As much as some people who don't want to consumers isolated by media and propaganda; some escape these traditions, while others choose to follow. Colombo argues, that cultural myths can take many forms like, consumerism, education,  habits and values learned else where. His goal in this essay was to inform college readers about questioning the old values and habits acquired from others and build our own ideas about the origin of these, "cultural myths" by learning how to think critically. 
It holds people together by providing us with a shared set of
customs, values, ideas, and beliefs, as well as common language.
We live in enmeshed in this cultural web: it influences
the way we relate to others, the way we look,
our tastes, our habits; it enters our dreams and desires.
 But as culture binds us together it also selectively blinds us. (3)
 We are all born with the ability to criticize others and question things as simple as, "Why." It comes naturally. It might be difficult for others to make sense of my introduction but it requires the ability to see things from multiple perspectives. I don't like when people criticize consumerism and act as if it is the worst thing to be in America. After all America is what it is because of consumerism, not every aspect of it but a lot. People who work, work to be able to consume more easily. Not everybody is the same way or wants to be that way either, but from what I have noticed many hard working adults work so they can afford, a trip, a new pair of something or save for a new car, make a down payment for a house. It is easy to see this because you can take a look at the "stuff" your class mates, co-workers and relatives own. At least one person you know has or wants the latest smart phone. If it weren't for good consuming Americans (and others around the world) who buy these things, Apple would not be in business neither would Verizon. People who argue consumerism is bad and yet own these thing and have Facebook or at one point had Myspace are hypocrites. How much is Facebook worth again?
 To be a critical thinker you have to look within yourself and ask your self questions about who you are and why you are the way you are. How would you feel if Facebook shut down, if you crashed your car, if your IPhone was stolen? Do the objects in your life own you, or do you own them? Is following the latest trends from fashion make a person shallow? Is wanting the latest, the most new everything bad? And the truth lies within history. Forever humans have been evolving. Things evolve. The Mona Lisa wouldn't have  been painted if there wasn't a demand for it. And during that time period if you could afford to have your portrait painted you had to be rich. Consumerism is and has always been a part of human life, it doesn't have to be unless there is a demand for it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am...

I am Vanesa. I am calm and straightforward. I appreciate simplicity. I enjoy learning about other cultures around the world. My hobbies include, cooking, traveling, and learning new languages.
A gift that i bring to this class would be my ability to listen well.