Instructor Knapp
English 1A
29 September 2012
Prop 30 Proposal
If prop 30 does not pass, K-12 schools,community colleges and public safety will lose funding by
$6 billion. California can not afford to lose more money. A person's economic status should not
dictate whether or not they should be able to further their education. Poor or rich everyone deserves a
chance to be educated.
- Give overview on pros/cons of prop 30.
- Give my stance on prop 30.
- American public schools are falling behind in comparison to other countries around the world.
Many European countries offer multiple language studies and begin teaching their students up to
three foreign languages at a time. By the time they reach the equivalent of maybe 12th grade they are
already fluent in more than two languages. In California not all schools but most K-12 offer at least
one or two foreign languages and only teach about four years of it which is only enough to be able to
comprehend the basics of the language. But learning foreign languages is only a slice of what our
public education system is falling behind in, of course there are multiple other things the system need
to work on. Electives and physical education classes have already been cut and many of our teachers
are left unemployed due to these cuts too. If prop 30 does not pass, additional classes will be cut and
will force students into already over sized class rooms. Studies show that with smaller class sizes
students learn better. How can we give students the best education possible if their class rooms are
double the normal size? Not only is it difficult for the students but the teachers as well.
- include stats on Prop 30 articles
-include quotes on the flaws of pubic school education
-Anyone who is a registered voter should know what prop 30 is and how it affects our education
system. It is my third semester at Cabrillo College and already I'm behind in my education because of
over sized classes. I tried to register for five classes and was wait listed for three of them. I was forced
to drop two classes because of the number of students that were wait listed. I was fortunate enough to
get into math after about two weeks of regular attendance enough people had dropped so that I had a
spot. However, about ten people could not get in. It is a constant competition now to try and get into
classes when even the online classes are not available because they are full. Tutoring services for
math and English have also been cut making it more difficult for students who these services
unavailable or limited. Tuition has also been raised due to the recent cuts forcing people to pay higher
I like the fact that you compare the US's education system to other European education systems, and talk about the skills they learn early on.